Social Media ailment?

social media

The year 2015 has checked in for a close up. The goals set at the beginning of the year have either been met or still pending. In the beginning of each year, there is need to have resolutions in order to put things factual.
My reference lies heavily on social media. It has deprived us of many things that we once used to treasure. We are using it mindlessly without even realizing the damage that is causing in the community. I am of the opinion that social media is, before long going, to bury the majority of us.
Since social media is here to stay, please add the following on your resolutions;

#Do not spend weekends on bed chatting
I am aware that there is need to relax after a long week of hard work. Sadly, I want to remind you that, weekends can be spent in a better way rather than chatting all day long. I bet you have friends to crack jokes with. Of lately, you have been gaining weight, why haven’t you thought of starting swimming on weekends? I presume you could also do a sport which will keep you physically fit. The year 2015, you have given your phone too much attention on weekends and that is why you even stopped doing many things like, going to parties, visiting your granny, having family picnics etc.
You wake up early and immediately put on your chat, therefore, by the time you take breakfast, it is 11am. You take your meals chatting and thereafter you take a nice pause on the coach or you go back to bed to continue chatting. Your days end so fast because you don’t even realize when it is lunch time. I still insist, weekend is supposed to be spent in a healthy way. Put off your chats on weekend, then lock your bedroom because you need to be constructive.
#Download an App lock
I assume you do not want your chats to be read by anyone else. When you leave your phone data connection on, your partner is definitely going to be tempted to read your text messages. That is the bitter truth because how hell on earth will five hundred messages show on your whatsapp and go unread when you left your phone in somebody else’s hands. You still have other messages on facebook messenger, imo, Tagged and the list is endless.
The app lock is free, so please get yourself one because you do not want another fight with your spouse this year. If not your spouse, then you do not want your friend to know what you have been up to. Avoid fights and misunderstanding now that you want the New Year to be smooth.

#Do not allow your boss to think you have been working less and chatting more
You work to be paid, so if the boss has been having that strange look on you, then please watch out. It is best you close your chats next year when you are at work or alternatively leave the phone at home. During working hours you can use the kabambe which will only allow you to receive and make calls.
Do not be surprised as a result, the boss may decide to give you a promotion. You will also come into a realization that you had been robbing the company your recommended working hours. You have been reaping where you did not sow, and do you want me to remind you that it is a sin? Utilize your time well, it could be your colleagues have also been complaining. Especially that workmate who is not in social media, you have been giving her a disturbing headache. Wink Wink.
#Immediately delete naughty videos and photos
You are in that high school group chat, chama members chat group or any other chat group. And you have realized there are some individuals who keep on sending videos and pictures which are not decent. By the way, such people are too idle and they have subscribed to unpaid job of sending videos in your group.
Once you see those videos delete them. Maybe you have children who have an access to your mobile phone, and I am quite sure that you do not want them to set their eyes on neither of them. It costs you nothing to delete that crap, after all its just taking up your phone’s memory. Delete.

#Slow down on flirting
You do not want to be caught again smiling alone by your spouse right? Or even last time your child asked you “Dad why are you smiling alone?” It feels awkward I presume. Start deleting those contacts or preferably tell your friends that 2016 no more flirting.
Trust me many are occasions when people have considered you as a crazy fellow. You smile alone in a Matatu, in waiting a queue, in a lift and many other places. It could be also you once bursted in laughter while you were chatting in a public place. Hey! Stop that craziness.

#Stop taking an adventure on your partner’s phone
I am sure you do not want to develop a heart attack soon or even develop other heart conditions. It is a mobile phone and not a simu ya jamii. Somebody might send a text message accidentally in that number. Please, if you have to use that phone, then call or receive the call and immediately return it.
If you want to know secrets you didn’t want to come across, again you can go on. But remember, the consequences will bring a bad impact on your relationship. I bet you can avoid this. Stay one metre away from that phone to avoid its explosion.
#Identify an appropriate time for chatting
Yes you can do this. And you will not suffer any disorder for putting your data connection off all day long. In fact, you will be cutting down on your expenses unless you want Safaricom CEO to earn more salary than his current millions. Have a predetermined time when you can reply to your text messages and especially the ones which are substantial.
There is need to evaluate your friends and you will come into a realization that, even some of them have nothing important to tell you. You can reply by saying, “thank you for checking on me, I will get to you later.” I don’t insinuate that you should ignore your friends, but if need be, please do.

Adding the above resolutions to your existing list, you will surely make your life excellent.

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